The event started from a simple post on Twitter (#nosqlbr), and from a original planning for 20 people (no regular ones but geeks) going to a bar and between a beer and a cairpirinha, the people would have some discussion about noSQL technologies. However, Porcelli is brazilian, and he never gives up, and in the end the 1st nosqlbr had about 250 attendees in a fancy hotel with an incredible cofee break , good people to talk and so on.
We( Samuel Tauil and I) presented a session entitled: "KVM, Infinispan and RestEasy: Infrastructure, Storage and Access for a noSQL foundation", we had some jokes during the session, but also based on feedback from the audience during the breaks, they understood ours scenarios, usecases and how and when to use/ apply those tecnnologies.
I wanna say thanks for all atendees, and congratulations for everybody at Caravela Technologies. If you understand some portuguese, you shall see the website.